Wednesday, August 14, 2024

More List Cleanup

Not every time I take a car off the PNAERC list is it because the car was scrapped. Sometimes, it's because the car has disappeared entirely. Others, it's because something about its condition or prospects has changed so that it no longer qualifies as "preserved." That's the case today, and the reason I've taken a quartet of MBTA subway cars off the list.

MBTA 01469, 01470, 01477, and 01480 are Cambridge-Dorchester line cars built by Pullman-Standard in 1963. They're identical to 01450 and 01455, preserved at Seashore. But unlike that pair, the aforementioned quartet never left the "T." After retirement in 1994, they were put into work service for a time and then stored. In recent years, they've been kept in increasingly derelict condition at Codman Yard.
This is a photo of 01470 taken in 2023. I added these cars to the PNAERC list probably 20+ years ago, when they were in reasonably good shape (possibly still operational). But at this point, it's doubtful that they'll end up preserved. The "T" doesn't retain cars for its own historic fleet, other than the Mattapan PCCs, and Seashore has stopped collecting rapid transit cars; they recently turned down a pair of 1970s Orange Line cars set aside for them, with the result that the type is now extinct. As such, I've removed the four Codman Yard 01400s from the PNAERC list. That leaves the MBTA with a total of 11 cars on the PNAERC list (nine Mattapan PCCs and two cars on display at Boylston) and a grand total of 2,090 cars on the list.

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