Monday, January 27, 2025

Global Air Compressor Taxonomy Change

That post title sounds like I've been playing with a random word generator, but it actually does mean something. We've made a global change to the PNAERC list to update how we classify air compressors. Now, while this change applies to all listings, it doesn't actually affect all the listings, because of course not every car on the roster has an air compressor listed. But for the ones that do, the entries have now all changed, thanks to some deft coding by our webmaster, Jeff Hakner.

First, we've added manufacturers to the air compressor listings. What before was simply a "CP-27" is now a "GE CP27." We've always included the manufacturer for trucks, motors, and control*, but only now have we extended that to compressors. Second, I've standardized on omitting hyphens. The nicely painted compressor shown above used to be a "D3-EG" on PNAERC, but now it's a "WABCO D3EG." Omitting hyphens has worked fine in the past for fleet numbers.

*K-controllers were built to identical specs by both GE and Westinghouse, so we omit a manufacturer name for them. Other types of control, like MU control and PCC control, typically have a manufacturer indicated.


  1. It might have been an urban legend, but I was once told that regardless of from which firm a customer ordered a K controller, Westinghouse and GE had a deal where only one of them actually made them. They would place the other guy's name on the ones ordered through the competitor.

    1. That's very interesting! I wasn't aware that K controllers may have been a product of "white-label" reselling.
