Monday, December 23, 2019

MU cars confirmed scrapped

Thanks to Mike Dodge, who wrote to me to confirm that Lackawanna MU cars 4351 and 4359 (discussed here) have indeed been scrapped. I'm not sure exactly when they were cut up but it was likely a few years ago. Regardless, while they had been stored at the Reading Company Technical & Historical Society site in Hamburg, PA the cars were apparently actually owned by the Reading & Northern. The R&N owns a sizable fleet of these cars used in locomotive-hauled excursion service so this pair was presumably judged to be too far gone and stripped for parts. Needless to say, this is no great historic loss as a lot of these "high roof trailers" are still around. These two examples have now been removed from the PNAERC list and the RCT&HS is back to an all-Reading collection.

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