Friday, December 22, 2017

Mystery car: the Dayton spaghetti streetcar

The Trolley
The latest "mystery streetcar" is the one shown above, which is ensconced in a Spaghetti Warehouse in Columbus, Ohio. A lot of these spaghetti restaurant streetcars are ex-Dallas 700-series cars, which were (and maybe still are) somewhat plentiful as bodies in the Lone Star State, but this example is definitely of a different design. It looks to be a double-truck Birney, which unfortunately means it could be from just about anywhere. Anyone have any ideas?

UPDATE: This mystery is solved, more or less - though we may not have a fleet number, we can at least narrow this one down to a specific order.


  1. Are you sure this isn't a Columbus Car? It kind of looks like the Columbus Car in the Ohio Railway Museum collection in Worthinton. I don't think it's a Double Truck Birney Car.

  2. It's not a Columbus 700 like the one at Worthington. It has a raised destination sign box in the window at the front corner, whereas the 700s had an even letterboard all the way across the ends. The belt rail around the ends is also higher than on the car sides, which was one hallmark of Birneys. Columbus did have double-truck Birneys in the 751-series, acquired secondhand from Ohio Valley Electric, but they had double-stream doors at the rear and it looks like this car doesn't so I'm guessing (albeit not certain) that it's not a Columbus car.
