Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Windsor streetcar restoration completed

Thanks to Laddie Vitek, who forwarded me this link that documents the completion of restoration work on Sandwich Windsor & Amherstburg 351. This historic car, whose history is outlined here in a post I made almost exactly a year ago, has been the subject of one of the most extensive and exacting restoration efforts ever performed on a streetcar. It seems the work is now complete and the car will, at some point, be moved to its new display location on the Windsor waterfront near the Ambassador Bridge. For the time being, and until it is actually on display, the car's condition has been updated from "under restoration" to "stored inoperable." The notation that it's a "body only" has also been removed, which is always a nice milestone to achieve.

1 comment:

  1. Believe that should be "Sandwich Windsor & Amherstburg". Bill Wulfert
