Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Porto Alegre streetcar preservation update

A huge THANK YOU goes out to Wesley Paulson for tracking down what happened to the two ex-Worcester streetcars in my last post. As it turns out, they were not scrapped! Rather, in September 2020 both cars were moved to the Museu de Arte Contemporanea (you get three guesses on the English translation) there in Porto Alegre, aka MACRS. So that's good news!
Car 193, shown up top in its old location at the police station and below being lifted by crane in front of the MACRS building, is now back on the PNAERC list.
There's also concrete information on the second car that appeared to be located at the police station, shown here during its move. I don't have a car number for this car, unfortunately (I don't have Worcester numbers for either car, but at least for car 193 I have a number I assume is its Porto Alegre fleet number). However there are a few other cars on the PNAERC list for which I'm lacking fleet numbers; as long as I know what company and series the car was from, and can track down its builder and vintage, I figure I have enough to accurately represent it. So I've now added this mystery car to the PNAERC list as well. Hope springs eternal that perhaps a fleet number will be discovered on the car one of these days.

In the meantime, both cars appear to be in storage behind the MACRS building awaiting restoration. There aren't any photos of them on the MACRS site (though there was plenty of local media coverage of their relocation move) but at least one is barely visible on Google Street View if you look closely.

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