Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Car body removed from list

Going through some of the privately-owned cars on the PNAERC list, I came across one that I decided to remove as it almost certainly doesn't qualify as "preserved," at least not any more. The car in question is Toronto Transportation Commission 2835, a center-entrance trailer which until now was listed under "Private owner - Honey Harbour." This is a holdover from an old description in Veteran & Vintage Transit, the mid-1990s book by Dave Young, but it seems the car in more recent years (see this link) was actually moved to a remote spot near Haliburton, Ontario. Regardless, the car's body - or what little is left of it - seems to be abandoned in the woods more than plinthed and on display, as the car supposedly was at one time. So, since it really doesn't qualify any longer as preserved, I've taken it off the list.

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