Thursday, September 13, 2018

Name change

Just some housekeeping, but I decided to change the name of this page from PNAERC Blog to Preserved Traction. The reason is simple: I don't have any better idea of how to pronounce "pnaerc" than you do, and I was starting to get the occasional question asked of me in person. Problem solved. I also added an image at the top, because why not?


  1. The change is probably a good thing. But there is one thing about "PNAERC" - it is unique to this project. I say embrace it to help allow one to search it out, but also being clear about what this is all about is important.
    O. Anderson

  2. I have always pronounced PNAERC as PAN-ERK.
    Regardless, keep up the good work!

  3. I usually refer to it as Puh-nerk.
